Daring to be Different — Part 5… Sound management, thoughtful development, a sustainable project — owned by you

3 min readSep 5, 2022

In the world of crypto projects, a day can feel like a week, and a year can feel like a few weeks. Like so many, we have all experienced the sensation of hurrying up and waiting, while also hearing to be quicker and slower simultaneously. Our Dev team works diligently every single day to move this project forward. In addition to creating CollarQuest website, NFT Marketplace, the user profile area for our P2E, and management of your assets, we also have been building CollarQuest Battle and Adventure gameplay for our Player vs. Player (PvP) and Player vs. Environment (PvE) — we assure every detail is appropriately completed and, most importantly, secure.

The CollarQuest team is in this for the long haul, benefitting all our fellow entrepreneurs, cadets-in-waiting (scholars), and potential participants in gameplay. While our team has been working diligently on an outstanding project, many others have come and gone. We will say it again — we are here to develop and grow this grass-roots project to last. We sincerely thank each and every one of our fellow entrepreneurs who make this community buzz and move forward, as we work in the background.

We have had an amazing number of scholars/cadets sign up from some of the significant Play to Earn projects worldwide. We encourage all of you to join our Discord and introduce yourself. We love how engaged our members are, and we know that each one of you and all of you together creates our most effective marketing team. Of course, we would be thrilled to have everyone invite in frens and learn about our fantastic community.

Some exciting things we have done in our year of existence….just a small sample of the accomplishments… deployed three native tokens (COLLAR, TAG, GeM), have Liquidity Pools (LP) on ETH and POLY, created SPARC-Es for game play, designed our tokenomics, game play logic, artwork, and much, much more. Our NFT SPARC-Es for our Play to Earn game will be available soon (very soon). Our metaverse is deep in development. Many of you have been able to view the prototype for our battle game and land gameplay on our YouTube channel.

CollarQuest Fierce Opponent Emulator (FOEs)

So what again makes CollarQuest so different? We build with you in mind. We are a genuinely decentralized DAO that respects the will of the voting outcomes and encourages voting. We value positive interactions, respect our community and other projects. We believe in a “high tide raises all boats.”

Over the next few days (September 6, 2022, forward), you may see the migration to Ethereum Mainnet. We will not do a surprise opening, nor will we change any website URL (keep an eye out for scammers and report them). We are committed to being transparent and keeping our community informed. We will be posting when we start our countdown clock for each of our software releases.

Non desistas, non exieris


Please join the CollarQuest Discord server and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. We’re here to help YOU and to be a part of Gaming History!

SEE THE COLLARQUEST TRAILER HERE: https://youtu.be/s0yujbe8vzo

SIGN UP FOR A SCHOLARSHIP HERE: https://forms.gle/VetBk5yfM5Zs5c5V9

JOIN THE COLLAR DISCORD SERVER HERE: https://discord.gg/collarcrew

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